EU sanctions can now target persons and entities supplying or involved in transferring Iranian missiles and drones to➡️ Russia for use in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine➡️ armed groups and entities undermining peace and security in the Middle-East and the Red Sea region????— EU Council (@EUCouncil) May 14, 2024 Read More
Home » @EUCouncil: RT by @EUSanctionsMap: EU sanctions can now target persons and entities supplying or involved in transferring Iranian missiles and drones to ➡️ Russia for use in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine ➡️ armed groups and entities undermining peace and security in the Middle-East and the Red Sea region ????
@EUCouncil: RT by @EUSanctionsMap: EU sanctions can now target persons and entities supplying or involved in transferring Iranian missiles and drones to ➡️ Russia for use in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine ➡️ armed groups and entities undermining peace and security in the Middle-East and the Red Sea region ????
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- door @EUCouncil
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