“Russian economy is booming”, “sanctions are not working” – such stories are spread daily all around us. But what is really behind those claims? Stay tuned for the next few days as we will take a closer look at these and other manipulative pro-Kremlin claims. #DontBeDeceived— EUvsDisinfo (@EUvsDisinfo) May 23, 2024 Read More
Home » @EUvsDisinfo: RT by @EUSanctionsMap: “Russian economy is booming”, “sanctions are not working” – such stories are spread daily all around us. But what is really behind those claims? Stay tuned for the next few days as we will take a closer look at these and other manipulative pro-Kremlin claims. #DontBeDeceived
@EUvsDisinfo: RT by @EUSanctionsMap: “Russian economy is booming”, “sanctions are not working” – such stories are spread daily all around us. But what is really behind those claims? Stay tuned for the next few days as we will take a closer look at these and other manipulative pro-Kremlin claims. #DontBeDeceived
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