Since the genocide against the Tutsi and other massacres against moderate Hutu in Rwanda in 1994, judicial authorities in Europe, Rwanda and a UN tribunal have opened thousands of formal investigations and court cases against alleged perpetrators. In addition to the over 10 000 individuals tried by the Rwandan authorities, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda has opened 93 cases and EU Member States judicial authorities have opened over 100 cases.The video is also available in FrenchMany potential perpetrators fled to EU Member States and other countries around the world after the genocide, making the opening of cases in the EU essential to fight impunity. Today, thirty years after the genocide, efforts to combat impunity continue in EU Member States, with Belgium and France taking the lead. These two countries currently have 83 ongoing proceedings, initiated based on universal or extraterritorial jurisdiction. Highlighting the importance of these efforts, the figures were pRead More
Thousands of judicial cases opened against perpetrators of genocide in Rwanda since 1994
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