???? The EU has adopted new economic and individual sanctions against Putin’s regime and those who perpetuate his war of aggression against Ukraine.These measures target the energy, finance, transport and trade sectors and make sanctions circumvention more difficult.More ⬇️— EU Council (@EUCouncil) June 24, 2024 Read More
Home » @EUCouncil: RT by @EUSanctionsMap: ???? The EU has adopted new economic and individual sanctions against Putin’s regime and those who perpetuate his war of aggression against Ukraine. These measures target the energy, finance, transport and trade sectors and make sanctions circumvention more difficult. More ⬇️
@EUCouncil: RT by @EUSanctionsMap: ???? The EU has adopted new economic and individual sanctions against Putin’s regime and those who perpetuate his war of aggression against Ukraine. These measures target the energy, finance, transport and trade sectors and make sanctions circumvention more difficult. More ⬇️
- Sancties
- door @EUCouncil
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