The protection of intellectual property rights and stepping up the fight against major organised criminal networks, including the better execution of penalties, were at the forefront of the annual meeting of European Prosecutors General, taking place yesterday and today. During their 18th annual Forum, hosted at Eurojust, they discussed how to increase cooperation and the exchange of best practice.Only last month, Eurojust launched the new European Judicial Organised Crime Network (EJOCN). The establishment of the EJOCN was one of the priorities of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) during the first half of 2024. Taking on the stark increase of infringements on intellectual property rights and related crimes in cyberspace are important priorities for the current Hungarian Presidency. The annual Forum is jointly chaired by Prosecutors General of the EU Member States, which hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the year.Read More
Intellectual property rights and network against organised crime main themes for EU Prosecutors General at 18th Forum
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