Corruption weakens our response to climate change. Bribery and poor accountability mismanage climate funds, erode trust, and delay vital projects. Find out how corruption is standing in the way of our green goals: UNODC21 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
🌧️ Torrential rains in NE Nigeria caused a dam to collapse, affecting millions and compounding the food crisis. UNODC Youth Peace Champions like Yakura are stepping up, organizing rescue efforts and offering resilience in the face of disaster.… UNODC20 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
“911 – what’s your emergency?” 🚨✨ Learn about a new pilot program using #AI to detect unreported violence against women in emergency calls. UNODC20 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Organized crime contributes to 22% of global homicides, and a staggering 50% in the Americas. The Global Study on Homicide 2023 highlights regional trends and dynamics: UNODC20 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The waste sector is prone to corruption, with criminals bribing officials to issue permits or falsify documents. UNODC helps countries in the EU & Southeast Asia detect corruption risks in waste trade. Learn more: UNODC19 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The link between safety and learning is clear: without safe schools, children can’t study in an optimal setting. This guide aims to enhance the role of law enforcement officers in drug use prevention in schools and foster a culture of prevention UNODC19 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
To truly address the challenges and barriers hindering access to justice, it is essential to enhance the criminal justice system. Learn more about how to ensure access to justice and establish a safe and secure society⬇️ UNODC19 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Around 87% of the global population live without adequate access to opioids for pain relief. Learn more in the #WorldDrugReport: UNODC19 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Today, far too many women still face discrimination. UNODC advocates for more #WomenInJustice and #WomenForJustice to promote effective, accountable and gender-responsive justice institutions that meet women’s specific needs. UNODC18 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The diversity and geographical scope of wildlife trafficking remain enormous and the actual wildlife trafficking levels are far greater than the recorded seizures. Discover the challenges in determining the impact of action on wildlife crime⬇️#EndWildlifeCrime UNODC18 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
UNODC collaborates with youth advocates to bring us closer to a safer world now and in the generations to come. Learn more about our youth-led initiatives here: 🙌 Here’s to you(th)! UNODC18 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
🚨 Southeast Asia’s “scam farms” are fueling forced labor and cybercrime. UNODC is uniting countries to fight back against these criminal networks. Learn how cooperation is key to dismantling these illicit operations: UNODC17 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Since Afghanistan’s 2022 drug ban, heroin trafficking has slowed, while methamphetamine, possibly linked to Afghanistan – continues to rise. Maritime routes are seeing larger shipments of both. The reason? Unclear: the ban or shifting trafficking dynamics? UNODC17 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
New data reveals the global prison population reached 11.5 million in 2022, with roughly 30% in pre-trial detention. Learn why #PrisonersMatter and go behind the data: UNODC17 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
All countries rely on the security of the world’s oceans. Security at sea isn’t just about protecting borders, it’s about safeguarding shared resources, fostering cooperation, and nurturing a safer, interconnected world. UNODC16 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Every hour, of every day: 52 people lost their lives to homicide globally. Go behind the data: UNODC16 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Trafficked plastic waste harms ecosystems, ends up in illegal landfills, or is burned in the open. Discover how failing to manage waste disposal safely affects public health, the environment, and adds to greenhouse gas emissions #endENVcrime UNODC16 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Every day of 2022, more than 133 women and girls were murdered by an intimate partner or family member. Learn more: UNODC15 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Corruption in wildlife trafficking spans from bribes at checkpoints to influencing criminal justice decisions. Discover how to effectively fight wildlife crime by assessing corruption risks and improving law enforcement capacities UNODC15 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
⚖️ Legal aid ensures everyone gets a fair chance in the eyes of the law. Equal access lays the foundation for a just society and protects human rights. Learn more about our Access to Justice initiative: UNODC14 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Prisoners deserve to reintegrate Prisoners deserve to be rehabilitated Prisoners are humans too #PrisonersMatter Every prisoner deserves dignity. Their journey to rehabilitation is our path to a safer world. UNODC14 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
📰 Highlights: UNODC launches a network of Youth Peace Champions in Nigeria, strengthens immigration control in Ecuador and helps Southeast Asia tackle waste trafficking. Here is the latest UNODC update⬇️ UNODC13 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Organized crime isn’t just a criminal issue; it’s a barrier to ending poverty and fostering peaceful, inclusive communities in the Sahel: UNODC13 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The Golden Triangle – where Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet – is a beautiful region hiding a dark reality. Drugs flow from here to the rest of the world.Learn more in the 2024 #WorldDrugReport: UNODC13 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Are you a dedicated professional looking to make a meaningful impact? Join UNODC and be part of our mission to address the global challenges posed by drugs and crime. Browse our open vacancies and please apply ⬇️ UNODC12 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The link between safety and learning is clear: without safe schools, children can’t study in an optimal setting. This guide aims to enhance the role of law enforcement officers in drug use prevention in schools and foster a culture of prevention UNODC12 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
75% of youth aged 15-24 use the internet, driving digital progress for sustainable development. Utilizing #DigitalSolutions and the power of creativity, young people can drive meaningful change towards the world #UnitedAgainstCorruption: UNODC12 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Working together, we can keep our seas safe and free from crime. @UNODC_MCP is at the forefront of combating maritime crime and promoting safety, security, and the rule of law at sea. Here’s an overview of our work: UNODC12 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Youth are strong. Youth are connected. Youth are engaged. Youth are essential agents of change to act on the world drug problem: UNODC11 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Armed conflict and corruption exacerbate cross-border drug trafficking in the Near & Middle East, as shown in recent shifts in Iraq’s drug seizures. We must enhance counter-narcotics efforts in the region: UNODC11 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Most countries in Africa and the Americas have laws against crimes that harm the environment, covering deforestation, mining, pollution, fishing, waste and wildlife. Check out the graphic for details ⬇️ #endENVcrime UNODC10 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The number of women navigating the criminal justice system, as victims, witnesses and perpetrators, has increased in the past 20 years. Advocating for more #WomenInJustice means having more judges, prosecutors, and police who understand the experiences of women. UNODC10 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Cocaine, cannabis resin and pharmaceutical opioids are the internationally trafficked drugs most seized in the Sahel. Here are key policy implications and recommendations for combating drug trafficking and corruption in the region. UNODC9 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Persecution, statelessness and corruption, combined with a lack of legal avenues for asylum or labour migration, drive the demand for smuggling services in Southeast Asia. Explore the findings in UNODC’s study: UNODC9 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Successful prosecution of poaching or wildlife trafficking requires 🔹Collecting evidence at crime scenes 🔹Forensic analysis 🔹Training wildlife law enforcement in evidence handling. This is our mission to #EndWildlifeCrime UNODC9 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Migrants often have no choice but to rely on smugglers. Explore the world of migrant smuggling and the challenges faced by those seeking nothing more than a better future: UNODC8 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Women are the most at risk of deadly violence at home. No one should have to have to live in fear. There is no excuse. UNODC8 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
@rcmpgrcpolice @grcrcmppolice @moiuae @polinlove @MansehraPolice @PoliceMv @Valsts_policija @hkpoliceforce @policefederale @INTERPOL_HQ Making the world safer from drugs, organized crime, corruption and terrorism. UNODC7 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
“Accountable and transparent policing is good for the public, good for the police, and good for the safety and security of all.” On #PoliceDay, @GhadaFathiWaly highlights the importance of police cooperation and trust to ensure safety and security for all communities. UNODC7 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
On #PoliceDay, let’s champion accountability, transparency and integrity in policing. These values build trust, prevent misconduct and ensure justice for all. UNODC7 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
In the face of violence, our commitment to human rights and promoting the rule of law remains unshaken. 🔗 Learn more about our impactful work here: UNODC6 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
📢 St. Kitts and Nevis is the latest country to join the global fight against corruption. Learn more about the 191 parties and their commitment to the UN Convention against Corruption ➡️ #UnitedAgainstCorruption UNODC6 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
📢 Urgent progress is needed on #SDG16! Peace, justice, and inclusion are essential for achieving all other #SDGs. Governments must take swift, informed action to reverse current negative trends. More about #SDG16 and the progress we are making at #HLPF: UNODC6 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
“If we do not use wildlife forensics, criminals will walk free.” Armand explains why wildlife forensics is crucial for successfully prosecuting wildlife crime ⬇️#EndWildlifeCrime UNODC5 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Are you a dedicated professional who wants to have a meaningful impact? Join UNODC and be part of our mission to address the global challenges posed by drugs and crime.Browse our open vacancies and please apply ⬇️ UNODC5 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Prisoners are part of our communities, and what happens in prisons impacts us all. Join us in advocating for fair and humane treatment of prisoners everywhere. When #PrisonersMatter, our communities thrive. UNODC5 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
When true ownership is hidden, corruption flourishes. See how transparency on who ultimately benefits from a company is crucial in the fight against corruption. Learn more ⬇️ #UnitedAgainstCorruption UNODC4 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
When our seas are safe, so are we. From protecting vital trade routes to preserving marine ecosystems, ensuring maritime safety is pivotal for global stability. UNODC4 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Our youth = our future. Learn more about how UNODC works to ensure that every child & young person is better served and protected. UNODC3 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Over the past two decades, organized crime affecting Nigeria has become more sophisticated and violent. Read more in this new report: UNODC3 september 202427 oktober 2024door @UNODC