It’s not okay that female victims of human trafficking are 3 times more likely to suffer extreme violence during trafficking. We must increase access to specialized care and invest in eradicating gender-based violence. UNODC14 augustus 202426 oktober 2024door @UNODC
When we prioritize sustainable development, we uphold human rights for future generations. Learn about UNODC’s approach here: UNODC14 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
When we prioritize sustainable development, we uphold human rights for future generations. Learn about UNODC’s approach here: UNODC14 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Integrity is crucial to upholding @Olympics values. We actively supported this initiative to prevent competition manipulation, illegal betting and sharing inside information➡️ UNODC14 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The internet is full of beautiful and useful things, but it can become a dangerous place if we don’t know how to use it properly! Here are some tips for parents on how to keep children safe online and prevent cyberbullying: UNODC14 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Globally, 292 million people used drugs in 2022, a 20% increase over the previous decade. Find all the latest #WorldDrugReport data here: UNODC13 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Wildlife crime and climate change fuel a destructive cycle with far-reaching environmental impacts. Discover how ecosystem harm affects climate change which exacerbates resource conflicts, creating new opportunities for wildlife crime #EndWildlifeCrime UNODC13 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Feeling safe while testifying is crucial for women victims of violence. UNODC & Egypt’s Ministry of Justice inaugurated Alexandria’s 1st secure area for women with tinted glass to protect their identities in court. #WomenInJustice means a justice system that meets women’s needs UNODC13 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
On World Elephant Day, we share some good news: Elephant ivory trafficking has dropped due to strict regulations and law enforcement targeting top traffickers. This proves we can #EndWildlifeCrime Learn more: UNODC12 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Young people are today’s digital innovators! By harnessing the power of technology, young people can change their communities and implement meaningful anti-corruption initiatives.Here are 10 steps to ensure that youth stand #UnitedAgainstCorruption: UNODC12 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
On #YouthDay, let’s celebrate young digital champions worldwide 🌏 At UNODC, we’re dedicated to involving youth—from combating cybercrime to developing innovative technologies to fight corruption. Together, we’re building a safer, more sustainable future with and for youth. UNODC12 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
All countries rely on the security of the world’s oceans. Security at sea isn’t just about protecting borders, it’s about safeguarding shared resources, fostering cooperation, and nurturing a safer, interconnected world. UNODC11 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The stats are alarming. Just 1 in 11 people suffering from drug use disorders were in treatment in 2022. UNODC11 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Like eagles, smugglers are smart and strategic. But smugglers are criminals motivated by financial or material gain. They may be individual opportunists or part of a well-organized multinational network. Find out more about this #DeadlyBusiness➡️ UNODC10 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
First-ever UN cybercrime treaty is agreed! After 3 years, the UN General Assembly’s committee approved by consensus a legally-binding treaty on cybercrime. To be adopted in 2024, the convention will boost intl cooperation & law enforcement responses to digital-age crime. UNODC9 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
📢Attention Young Changemakers worldwide! Share your innovative solutions to tackle corruption. Tell us how corruption affects your world and what’s being done to fight it. Your voice matters! Find out more at UNODC9 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Sport is a powerful enabler of positive change, supporting youth engagement, peace, and justice. At #Paris2024 @Olympics, let’s harness its power to build safer, more inclusive communities. UNODC9 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Our latest research on migrant smuggling in Southeast Asia reveals a grim reality: 75% of those smuggled faced abuse perpetrated by corrupt state actors and smugglers, spanning from physical & sexual assault to tragic deaths. Go behind the data: UNODC9 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The reality is alarming ❗ Over 15% of homicide victims in 2021 were children. That’s about 71,600 children who were robbed of their childhoods.Help us share our Youth Factsheet on Homicide: UNODC8 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
A concert featuring only prisoner performers set the scene in Songkhla in Southern Thailand. Supported by UNODC, this event offered prisoners a chance to showcase their talents and acquire skills that can transform their futures: #PrisonersMatter UNODC8 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
It’s not okay that due to lack of capacities, many victims of human trafficking have to rescue themselves. We must do better by providing a victim-centered approach. #NotForSale #EndHumanTrafficking UNODC8 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Organized crime isn’t just a criminal issue; it’s a barrier to ending poverty and fostering peaceful, inclusive communities in the Sahel: UNODC7 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Sipping @UNODC_AD Alternative Development coffee ☕ from Colombia during #Paris2024 #Olympics at the foot of @LaTourEiffel supported sustainable livelihoods efforts for farmers. Find out more⬇️ @CafesMalongo @EmmanuelMacron @petrogustavo @Proclama @iocmedia UNODC7 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Our latest data shows that cannabis continues to be the most widely used drug globally, with an estimated 228 million users. More in our #WorldDrugReport: UNODC7 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The way a judge uses social media has an impact on the public perception of all judges and confidence in judicial systems. Learn how to apply ethical standards to judges’ online presence⬇️ #UnitedAgainstCorruption UNODC6 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Why do people seek out smugglers? Find out in UNODC’s latest research on migrant smuggling in Southeast Asia ⬇️ UNODC6 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Most Africa and Asian countries impose strict penalties for crimes that harm the environment. The fact that they persist, suggests a lack of enforcement rather than weak laws.Check out the graphic for details ⬇️ UNODC6 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Harness the transformative power of sport at the @Olympics to promote peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. The #SCORE initiative by @UNODC_Justice uses sport to combat crime, advance @GlobalGoalsUN including #SDG16, and foster resilience and empowerment among at-risk youth. UNODC5 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The Amazon is under threat from illegal logging. Roly Sedano, police officer with a jungle heart, works to #endENVcrime in Peru’s Amazon. Read how we enabled Roly and his colleagues to distinguish legal from illegal logging and implement effective conservation measures. ⬇️ UNODC5 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
What does it take to #EndWidllifeCrime? Effective responses require addressing both the supply and demand of wildlife products. However, determining effective remedies for wildlife crime remains challenging. Discover why UNODC5 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Cannabis use among adolescents is a growing concern, particularly with the increase in vaping. Globally, 15 and 16-year-olds have used more cannabis in the past year than adults. UNODC4 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Diversity in the judiciary strengthens its ability to deliver fair decisions. Learn how unequal gender representation in the judiciary might impact judicial integrity: #WomenInJustice UNODC4 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
What does maritime security really mean? It means our seas are safe from terrorism, piracy, robbery, illegal trafficking of goods and people, illegal fishing and pollution. More on our work to help keep people safe: UNODC3 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The Golden Triangle – where Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet – is a beautiful region hiding a dark reality. Find out more in the #WorldDrugReport 2024: UNODC3 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
From captagon seizures to anti-trafficking efforts, check out our latest 60-second UNODC update ⬇️ UNODC2 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
In times of conflict, heritage is at risk. UNODC joins @UNESCO and partners urging all to avoid trading Sudanese cultural items that may be stolen or illegally exported. UNODC2 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
How to combat wildlife crime effectively? Learn about the crucial role of preventing criminals from concealing the illegal origins of wildlife products #EndWildlifeCrime UNODC2 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Major sport events require large infrastructures and bring together thousands of people. They can create opportunities for traffickers to engage in forced labour and sexual exploitation. We work with countries around the world to prevent and #EndHumanTrafficking. UNODC1 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Are you a dedicated professional looking to make a meaningful impact? Join us in tackling challenges posed by drugs and crime. We’re hiring for several positions in drug demand reduction, HIV prevention, criminal justice, statistics & more. Apply & contribute to a safer world⬇️ UNODC1 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The illegal wildlife trade is a global plague worth billions per year. To combat it, we aim to ensure that forensic science for wildlife conservation is accessible worldwide, from crime scene to court.Read UNODC1 augustus 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
💡𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗨𝗧 illegal wildlife trade threatening public health and the environment: The illegal trade of exotic animals skips health controls, posing a serious risk of new pandemics. We work with Southeast Asian countries to #EndWildlifeCrime and prevent future pandemics. UNODC31 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
On World Ranger Day, we honour those fighting wildlife crime on the frontline. Rangers devote their lives to #EndWildlifeCrime and protect biodiversity. We support these guardians of nature through capacity building and training, ensuring justice for wildlife. UNODC31 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Global cocaine production hit a record high of 2,757 tons in 2022, up 20% from 2021. This surge has led to increased violence in some places in South America and the Caribbean, and health concerns in Western and Central Europe.More in our latest #WorldDrugReport: UNODC31 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
North Macedonia is facing a rise in child trafficking. 70% of child victims are recruited by family members or acquaintances.On World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, we urge for long-term solutions to ensure a better future. UNODC30 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
“As a mother and a grandmother, I want to leave behind a world where no child is exploited, trafficked, or abused.” On World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, UNODC Executive Director @GhadaFathiWaly calls to #EndHumanTrafficking and protect all children of this heinous crime. UNODC30 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Today is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. We focus on the most vulnerable: children affected by trafficking. Everyone plays a role in saying no to child trafficking. We urge authorities, the public, private sector, and NGOs to join to #EndHumanTrafficking UNODC30 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Leaving no child behind in the fight against human trafficking requires collective effort. Listen to Indian actor and producer @TheJohnAbraham explain what needs to be done to #EndHumanTrafficking ⬇️ UNODC30 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Children are no commodities. With World Day Against Trafficking in Persons just around the corner, we call for accelerated action to end child trafficking. Learn more about this crime and join us in our fight to #EndHumanTrafficking ⬇️ UNODC29 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Child trafficking is a global issue. Every corner of the world is affected. It’s time for targeted action to stop exploitation and protect the rights of children.Together, let’s ensure a safer future for every child in every corner of the world.#EndHumanTrafficking UNODC29 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Tigers are still endangered, partly due to Illegal wildlife trade. On International Tiger Day, we must commit to #EndWildlifeCrime and protect tigers from extinction.#endENVcrime #SDG15 UNODC29 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC