???? UNODC report: In 2023 over 70% of Nigerians refused to pay a bribe, a promising sign in the fight against corruption. However, corruption is still one of the key issues affecting Nigerians. To progress towards a corruption-free society, we must stand #UnitedAgainstCorruption UNODC11 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
???????????? Prisoners are people. They may have made wrong choices, or had very limited choices in life. But they are still people, and how we treat them matters. ???? Prisoners’ rights are human rights. #PrisonersMatter UNODC11 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Our environment needs better legal protection. Yet, there is no global law that criminalizes pollution, degradation, or destruction of our planet. Learn how a mix of complex regulations pave the way for environmental exploitation: #endENVcrime UNODC11 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The deadliest form of migrant smuggling is by sea. Almost 60% of migrant fatalities are due to drowning on sea routes. Discover what it takes to stop this #DeadlyBusiness ➡️ bit.ly/UN_HTMSS UNODC10 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
64 million people worldwide were suffering from a drug use disorder in 2022. Go behind the data in the #WorldDrugReport: UNODC10 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
???? Transnational crime syndicates are trafficking people into “scam farms” for forced labor and sexual exploitation. Thousands suffer daily. UNODC & local authorities are working tirelessly to dismantle these cruel enterprises. Read Susan and Dylan’s harrowing stories ⬇️ UNODC10 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Many prisons around the world are overcrowded. They are systemically neglected. The people inside them suffer from abuse and inhumane conditions. And we all suffer as a result. It’s time for change. Add your voice to the call this #MandelaDay: #PrisonersMatter! UNODC10 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Last year, over 8,000 migrants and refugees died along migration routes—a 20% increase from the previous year. Learn how we can help and protect smuggled migrants ⬇️ UNODC9 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Prisoners are part of our communities, and what happens in prisons impacts all of us – #PrisonersMatter. This #MandelaDay join UNODC to call for the universal practical application of the #MandelaRules ???? bit.ly/NMDay2024 UNODC9 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Online communications and financial transaction platforms are misused for waste trafficking. Learn what it takes to untangle the web of online waste trafficking bit.ly/43DamLJ #endENVcrime UNODC9 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Did you know that 60% of identified trafficking victims are women and girls? Women and girls do not have a price tag. They are #NotForSale bit.ly/UN_HTMSS #EndHumanTrafficking UNODC8 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Prisoners’ rights are #HumanRights ???????????? Our communities are stronger when all of us are treated with dignity. Join UNODC’s call for prisons worldwide to be safe, rehabilitative and to respect prisoners’ rights. #PrisonersMatter UNODC8 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Wildlife crime is not just about profit. Efforts to stop illegal sourcing must consider livelihood needs, cultural factors and human-wildlife conflicts. Learn how addressing these factors can reduce poaching bit.ly/3UpwV2k #EndWildlifeCrime UNODC8 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
In the Sahel, women who are smuggled are often victims of sexual violence and exploitation. A recent survey revealed rape as the most common form of sexual and gender-based violence reported by both smugglers and migrants. Urgent action is needed to tackle this: UNODC7 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Our latest data shows that cannabis continues to be the most widely used drug globally, with an estimated 228 million users. More in our #WorldDrugReport: UNODC7 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Organized crime fuels armed conflicts by escalating tensions, increasing violence, and intensifying competition for illicit profits and territorial control. More in our latest report on the Sahel: UNODC6 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Our poor relationship with nature is spreading diseases from animals to humans. Illegal wildlife trade bypasses health controls, risking new pandemics. Learn what we do to stop this: #WorldZoonosesDay #endENVcrime UNODC6 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
???? From important report launches to new partnerships, check out our latest 60-second UNODC recap ⬇️ UNODC5 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
One in every three human trafficking victims is a child. Child trafficking has devastating consequences for the development of children and undermines healthy societal structures. Read more about this heinous crime and what we do to #EndHumanTrafficking UNODC5 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Thousands of migrants embark on long journeys across the world in search of a better life. Limited legal migration options force many to turn to services provided by smuggling networks. We must stop this #DeadlyBusiness bit.ly/UN_HTMSS UNODC5 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
“I begged him to quit using drugs.” Waheeda’s plea resonates with thousands affected by drug use disorders in Afghanistan. Learn how UNODC is helping women like Waheeda receive critical support: unodc.org/unodc/frontpag… UNODC4 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
All countries rely on the security of the world’s oceans. Security at sea isn’t just about protecting borders, it’s about safeguarding shared resources, fostering cooperation, and nurturing a safer, interconnected world. UNODC4 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Many countries have laws that can lead to prison time for things like deforestation, air or soil pollution or wildlife poaching. Find out more about the penalties they impose to protect the environment: bit.ly/4bFF2i5 #endENVcrime UNODC4 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
???? Tharaka’s journey from prison to gardener started at Pallansena Youth Correctional Centre in Sri Lanka. We teamed up with @FAO, to turn prisons into model farms, boosting well-being and skills for life beyond bars. UNODC3 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The stats are alarming. Just 1 in 11 people suffering from drug use disorders were in treatment in 2022. #WorldDrugReport UNODC3 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
From combating human trafficking to fighting terrorism and advancing criminal justice, we’re passionate about making a difference ???? Explore our current vacancies: bit.ly/JobsUNODC UNODC3 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
“What we are facing with drug use is a silent attack on our youth, no less deadly and damaging than armed conflict.” -Dr. Amani Busane Philippe highlights the lack of specialized treatment in South Kivu in Eastern Congo, and shares his compassionate approach to care: UNODC2 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Children should be children. Yet more than 1/3 of human trafficking victims globally are children. Children are #NotForSale #EndHumanTrafficking now! bit.ly/UN_HTMSS UNODC2 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Wildlife crime weakens governance and the rule of law. It leads to corruption, money laundering, and illegal money movements. It also reduces income from legal trades, and stopping it is expensive. Learn why the impact is so significant bit.ly/3UpwV2k #EndWildlifeCrime UNODC2 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
“It was through the programme that I realized I was sick.” – Mr. Sowah, an ex-prisoner from Ghana who has been sober for six years, shares his journey of overcoming his drug use disorder. Learn how the Ghana Prisons Service, with UNODC’s support, is offering hope in prisons: UNODC1 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Congratulations to our partners in the fight to #EndHumanTrafficking! Oumou Niaré, President of CNLTPPA????????, supports @UNODC_WCAfrica @PROMIS_WAfrica in increasing prosecutions & adopting laws. Marijana Savić, Founder of @atinango & @unvtf_tip board member, supports victims. UNODC1 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Cocaine and cannabis use on the rise: what are the consequences? Listen to @un_news podcast featuring Angela Me, Chief of Research at UNODC as she discusses insights from the new #WorldDrugReport UNODC1 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Wildlife crime threatens biodiversity and ecosystems. To stop illegal exploitation, we rely on wildlife forensics to connect crime scenes to suspects and ensure justice is served. More ℹ️ bit.ly/3IfzgHi #EndWildlifeCrime UNODC1 juli 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Only 1 in 18 women with drug use disorders receive treatment, compared to 1 in 7 men. Let’s close the gap and ensure equal access to care! #WorldDrugReport UNODC30 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Transnational organized crime in the Sahel is undermining: ⦾ Peace & security ⦾ Human rights ⦾ Governance & rule of law ⦾ Sustainable development Learn more in our latest report: UNODC30 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Drug use has been increasing over the last decade: 1 in 18 people used a drug in 2022. Learn the latest facts and figures in the #WorldDrugReport: UNODC29 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Are you a dedicated professional looking to make a meaningful impact? Join us and be a part of our mission to tackle the challenges posed by drugs and crime. We are hiring for several positions. Apply now and contribute to a safer, healthier world ⬇️ UNODC29 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Though an estimated 64 million people worldwide suffer from drug use disorders, just 1 in 11 people are in treatment. Learn more in the 2024 #WorldDrugReport: UNODC28 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
???? UNODC report shows the profound and multifaceted impact of transnational organized crime in the #Sahel: UNODC28 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Most countries in Africa and the Americas have laws against crimes that harm the environment, covering deforestation, mining, pollution, fishing, waste and wildlife. Check out the graphic for details ⬇️ bit.ly/4bFF2i5 #endENVcrime UNODC28 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Globally, 292 million people used drugs in 2022, a 20% increase over the previous decade. Find all the latest #WorldDrugReport data here: UNODC27 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
The Golden Triangle – where Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet – is a beautiful region hiding a dark reality. Find out more in the #WorldDrugReport 2024: bit.ly/DrugReport2024 UNODC27 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
“Drug use is a long and difficult road to nowhere” -@GhadaFathiWaly calls for the critical need to #InvestInPrevention, to guide people away from drug use, and empower communities to live in safety and dignity.Watch the Executive Director’s message from the UNODC drugs lab: UNODC27 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Launching! The 2024 #WorldDrugReport presents the latest info on drug use, production, and trafficking.Go behind the data and analysis: UNODC27 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
???? LIVE NOW: launch of the 2024 #WorldDrugReport Follow @CND_tweets for a comprehensive picture of the measurable effects & potential impact of the world drug problem today.Watch here???????? UNODC27 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
On #WorldDrugDay let us amplify our efforts to address the global drug problem, guided by the principles of science, compassion, and solidarity. The path to meaningful change begins with a commitment to prevention. UNODC27 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
Out now! The 2024 #WorldDrugReport offers a deep dive into the regulations for medical use of cannabis and the consequences of the cocaine surge. Here are the latest findings and info on drug use, production and trafficking. UNODC27 juni 202424 oktober 2024door @UNODC
First Person: Moving from fear to hope after war on drugs in the PhilippinesUNODC25 juni 202424 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
‘Ninety per cent stronger’ families in the Philippines helping to prevent drug abuseUNODC25 juni 202424 oktober 2024door unodc.org