Управление ООН по наркотикам и преступности (УНП ООН) обеспечивает доступ к справедливому правосудию в Молдове посредством системы электронного правосудияUNODC8 november 202322 oktober 2024door unodc.org
Первый в истории Глобальный доклад о коррупции в спорте указывает на острую необходимость принятия единых международных мер реагирования на коррупцию в спортеUNODC8 november 202322 oktober 2024door unodc.org
Leaving poppy behind – permanently: how the findings from UNODC’s new Afghan opium survey could affect vulnerable populationsUNODC6 november 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
UNODC y WWF colaboran para reducir los delitos marítimos y su impacto en los ecosistemas y los medios de subsistenciaUNODC2 november 202322 oktober 2024door Naciones Unidas : Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito
Un año récord: 690 toneladas de precursores químicos incautados en ChileUNODC2 november 202322 oktober 2024door Naciones Unidas : Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito
UNODC impulsa proyectos de cooperación en materia de desarrollo alternativo para facilitar la generación de ingresos lícitos a agricultores de todo el mundoUNODC2 november 202322 oktober 2024door Naciones Unidas : Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito
“I never imagined that sports could do this”: UNODC celebrates the power of sports in preventing violence, crime, and drug use among youth on the International Day of SportsUNODC2 november 202322 oktober 2024door Naciones Unidas : Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito
En primera persona: un voluntario contra la hepatitis CUNODC2 november 202322 oktober 2024door Naciones Unidas : Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito
“Fighting to prove the narrative wrong”: how female police officers in Eastern Africa are pushing for gender equityUNODC1 november 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
Uniting the world against corruption: Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Convention against CorruptionUNODC31 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
A life after trafficking: new release of UNVTF 2022 Annual ReportUNODC27 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
“We have a duty not to forget or neglect the world drug problem,” says UNODC Executive Director at Commission on Narcotic Drugs Thematic DiscussionsUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
IOM and UNODC release new guidance to help combat human trafficking through dataUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
“Let us show those who need us that we care” – Strengthening quality drug use disorder treatment in Central AsiaUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
“Cheaper than a cup of coffee” – how UNODC’s Synthetic Drug Strategy can be used to curb the threat of synthetic drugs in Southeast Asia and the PacificUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
Why gender matters in the fight against gang violenceUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
Seven years left to rescue Global Goals: UNODC Executive Director urges accelerated action to secure a more sustainable futureUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
Battling the Shadow of Deforestation: Community-Led Efforts to Combat Deforestation in Myanmar’s Shan StateUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
Sacha inchi: the ‘star seed’ that symbolizes peace and resilience in the Colombian AmazonUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
A new crop, a new vision: Sabino’s switch from growing coca to growing coffee in BoliviaUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
More profitable than poppy: providing an alternative to cultivating drug crops in AfghanistanUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime
From Poppy Fields to Coffee Plantations: Nang Htwe’s Journey of Transformation in Myanmar’s Shan StateUNODC25 oktober 202322 oktober 2024door United Nations : Office on Drugs and Crime